Friday, October 17, 2008

Levi Update

Levi is getting bigger and cuter every day! (if that's even possible) Knowing that so many of you live far away, I thought I would update you on Levi's new skills and such. Let's see...where should I start....

Here goes....Levi is the proud new owner of 4 teeth! All 4 were acquired in September! And he knows how to use them. He loves to eat whatever we're eating. No bland food for him though, the more flavor the better. He eats so well he's already 22 lb. 2oz. and 30.25 inches tall. He wears 12 & 18 month cloths (depending). He is crawling EVERYWHERE! Pulling up on EVERYTHING! And CLIMBING whatever I'll let him! Last week he actually stood all by himself for 15 seconds! I'm sure walking is in our not too distant future! =8-0

His first word was "hi" in a growly sort of voice and a big 'ol toothy grin, very cute. He also says "momma" and "more". We're doing sign language with him too and so far, he signs "more" and "all done".

Super Baby!

Levi is tons of fun! He loves to play peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo Toby, chase, chase Toby and pretty much anything Toby is playing or playing with! Toby loves his baby brother very much but would like a little more space sometimes, especially now that Levi is so mobile and fast.

Brotherly Love

Basket Cases


Well, that's all for now. I could go on and on and on..... But who's got the time!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Hi! I just wanted to thank you for linking to my blog (The Nifty Thrifty Homemaker) You children are adorable! Great pics!