Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Photo Meme

Since I haven't had much time to get up any new posts lately, I thought I would play along with this meme from a friend's blog.

If you want to play along, here are the rules:

1. Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2. Select the 4th picture in the folder
3. NO CHEATING! (no cropping, editing, etc...). Join in the fun!
4. Explain the picture

My mom has a picture of her older two grandkids crawling under a coffee table at this same age. I was instructed to be sure and take Toby's picture so she could add it to her collection. So here's a picture of Toby crawling under an end table at about 8 months old. It's actually a copy of the original in a folder of pictures that need sorted.

This isn't part of the meme but just for giggles I thought I would post Levi's end table picture too! Levi was almost 10 months in this pic. I just have to say, Rob and I make really cute little boys!!!

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