Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Recent Pictures

Our main computer recently croaked! Rob's first thought was that it was the hard drive! Which would mean all my pictures would be gone. 8-0 Just poof! Turns out its the motherboard so we're still down a computer but my wonderful geeky husband hooked up the old hard drive to a different computer so I can still access all my documents and pictures! YEAH!!! We're still working the bugs out but I thought I would post a few recent pictures to commemorate his many efforts.

Aunt Misha holding Anna and Levi

Toby, Laine, and Ayden playing on the dirt pile at Grandpa & Grandma's.

King of the Hill!

Our little "Pig Pen" loves to literally roll in the dirt!

Toby and Ayden sharing a new language toy Levi got for Christmas. For some odd reason Toby LOVES to drag this thing into the bathroom for potty time entertainment!

Toby and Jade playing games and ringers on some old cell phones.

Laine, Toby and Levi wrestling Grandpa!

Game night!

1 comment:

Misha said...

Love the new pics, especially the one of the three boys on the dirt pile, and the one of the boys wrestling grandpa. :o)