Saturday, December 27, 2008

Levi is 1 Year Old!!!

I can't believe my baby is 1 year old! Each month, I took a picture of Levi so we could see how much he changed and grew. Unfortunately, I missed his 6 month picture though, 'cause it was so crazy getting ready to go to WA for almost a month. So you'll notice the pictures go from 5 months to 7 months. But anyway, here he is. Levi Daniel Forras. The first year.

As you can see Levi is getting to be quite the big boy! He is 23.5 pounds and 30.75 inches tall already! That puts him in the 60th percentile for weight and the 75th for height. He's wearing 18 & 24 month clothes (depending). He's got 6 teeth, 4 on top and 2 on bottom.

Levi took his very 1st step on Thanksgiving day! He's up to 3-8 steps at a time when he's coaxed but is still faster and more comfortable crawling. We're planning to take him out to Givens Hot Springs next weekend for his birthday party. We took Toby out there when he was at this same stage in walking and the resistance and buoyancy of the water "tricked" him into walking ALL over the wading pool area! I'll let you know if it works for Levi too.

Levi's vocabulary is steadily growing. He now says "momma, dadda, Grandma, Grandpa, Toby, more, hi, and up". We're doing sign language with him too and so far, he signs "more, all done, please, and thank you."

One of Levi's favorite activities is putting stuff into a bucket, box , or hole and then taking it back out again. Over and over. 8-) He also loves to play "airplane", tickle monster, and wrestling.
He's all boy! Our Boy, Our Big 1 Year Old Boy!!!

We love you!

1 comment:

semi-crazy blonde girl said...

Happy Birthday to Levi! I love the pictures... :)